Friday, October 4, 2013

Blog Stage Three: Substantial commentary or criticism #1

               With the government shutting down recently, its raised question to the public who's fault was it? On Friday, October 4, 2013, the NewYork Times published a article titled With No New Plan, Boehner Makes Angry Plea On Shutdown.  The author uses Boehner's argument to support the idea, that the president is not cooperating and is not willing to negotiate. He also writes that Republicans do want to compromise, because just like the people they want the government to reopen. When reading the article it is noticeable to the reader that the author uses a lot of quotes from other Republican leader, to back up his writing for the parties argument.
                In my opinion i feel like the article is a pro Republican type of article. The authors Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker don't really use any Democratic quotes, which makes me believe that there only telling one side of the story. As a reader I want to hear both sides, because of its just one side it basically looks like its the Democrats fault why the government shut down. Personally I feel like the author did a good job of writing the story, but fails just short and as a result the argument doesn't look fair.                      
              As a reader I wouldn't recommend this article because I feel it is a little to one sided and I would want my peers to get the full picture, not half of it. My opinion of the over all issue is I think both sides are to blame and I hope that both parties come to a compromise.

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