Friday, September 20, 2013

Enabling a link in Blogger.

With the new iPhone 5S coming out this year, raises security questions whether using your fingerprint will run the risk of identify theft.  On Friday, September 20, 2013, the BBC News published an article titled Apple Fingerprint Tech Raises's Privacy Questions. In the article, Senator Al Franken, chairmen of the Influential Senate Judiciary Subcommittee and the Law, writes to Apple's boss Tim Cook about concerns on the new thumbprint feature on the iPhone. The Senator wants his questions answered about whether fingerprint data will be kept secret, the exact legal status of such fingerprint data, whether the fingerprint could ever be stolen by hackers or fraudsters, and whether the iPhone transmits diagnostic about the Touch ID system back to Apple or any third parties.

I do recommend for people to take a look at this article because people should question this fingerprint technology. In my opinion,  I feel as if this could put people at risk to be a target for identify theft and I, myself, wouldn't feel safe giving a phone company access to my fingerprint.  

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