Friday, November 15, 2013

Blog #6

Today I'am commenting on Dana's blog post about having more women debate about the abortion issue than old conservative men. After I read her post I could not help, but to agree with 100%. She first opens up about old conservative men trying to debate the issue and doesn't agree with that. I back her up on this because how can a man debate on women's issues, when a man doesn't have ovaries himself. Its kind of hard for a man to make the decision of outlawing abortion when men are not woman and its difficult to relate to women problems.
Dana does say that she doesn't agree that abortion should be the first choice for a unwanted pregnancy, but feels that if a woman is raped, she should have options available to her. She also uses speeches that Republicans have made about the issue and argues that the men say ignorant things and feels that these men shouldn't have the power to even, maybe take that right away from women. Dana also feels that women should debate this issue because it is a feminine issue and not men.
After reading what Dana said, I can't do nothing but agree with her. I do feel men shouldn't handle this controversial issue because it is a woman subject more than a mans. I feel that its 2013 and woman have just as much as a voice as men do. When it comes to my opinion on Dana's post, I feel she did a great job and basically feel the same as her on this issue.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Should be trim down on food stamps or other benefits?

         On Friday, November 1, 2013 the NewYork Times published a article tittled As Cuts to Food Stamps Take Effect, More Trims To Benefits Are Expected. Today marks the day that the National Govt. starts to make cuts on Food Stamps for Americans that are receiving this assistance. This argument can swing both ways, but my opinion I feel that the govt. has made a good decision. In the article the author remains neutral giving off statistics, that the govt. will shave off $5billion in the year 2014. Its clear that by including these statics, food consumption will drop because of these cuts.
        In my opinion I feel the govt. should make these cuts because a lot of people abuse the system. I think that most people get on these benefits, because they don't want to work and usually want everything handed to them. Yes the consumption will go down, but people need to wake up and not expect the govt. to help them with everything.                                                                                                
        The other argument can be made that there are people that do need it, but I strongly agree that the govt. should crack down to weed out the the people that are taking advantage of this system. I know its harsh, but it shouldn't be the governments job to support your family for years on end, this benefit should be used for people to get their feet back under them. I would recommend this article because its non bias and people need to know that food stamps will be cut. I feel the argument can go both ways, but I don't think we should put in as much money into a system that is being taken advantage of.